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  1. Good thoughts. I agree. I love when I see an older person who loves their life… when their family makes them a priority and respects all they have invested and accomplished. This sounds morbid but when you see a whole family by someones deathbed there is something really beautiful about it. We rarely give them the time to share but so much wisdom can come with age. I guess it goes along with our value of “production” because that seems to decline with age… as does respect.

  2. Remarkablogger’s post Social Media has the Power to Change Lives, and I Should Know, he shared his thoughts about the power of Social Media. This is a clear demonstration of the power

  3. http://www./ says:

    Good to see a talent at work. I can’t match that.

  4. http://www./ says:

    Cool! That’s a clever way of looking at it!

  5. Jenelle says:

    Réactions des membres du comité: « un très bon roman », « pas mal du tout », « Thématique très ints©reÃsante », « drôle », « facile à lire », « confrontation entre génération touchante ».

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